The unit is part of the wider department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, with a clear strategy to develop academia as part of its tripartite portfolio of Clinical, Research and Education excellence. We have recently established a virtual Centre for Orthopaedics to advance clinical and translation research. The Centre’s head is Manoj Ramachandran and the research co-ordinator is Jamila Kassam. We have developed several research subthemes that are actively being expanded.
Current projects
These are some of the paediatric and young adult projects and research themes that the orthopaedic unit is currently involved in:
Key leads
MR = Manoj Ramachandran
CM = Claudia Maizen
KJ = Kyle James
JK - Jamila Kassam
SVDW - Sarah van der Wal
International studies
Outcomes of paediatric hip arthroscopy – MR (in collaboration with Professor Bjarne Moller-Madsen, Aarhus, Denmark)
Commercial studies
Latella first-in-man study - sponsored by Cotera Inc - MR
National NIHR-funded portfolio trials
UK FASHiON (Feasibility study of a trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Hip impingement compared with PersONalised hip therapy) - MR
National multicenter studies
GUST (Genetics in the UK of SCFE Trial) – UK multicenter SCFE study in initial phase – MR
Local studies
Epidemiology and outcomes of paediatric orthopaedic trauma - MR/JK/KJ
Botox vs alcohol in CP – CM
Feasibility/patient public involvement project
Developing patient reported outcome scores in adolescent hips (BASH) – MR/SVDW
Previous projects
National NIHR-funded portfolio trials
GWAS (Genome-wide Association Study) in DDH – MR - 2013
DiNOSAUR (Duration of INtravenous antibiOtic therapy for Septic Arthritis or acUte osteomyelitis in a paediatRic population) – MR - 2013
Feasibility/patient public involvement project
HipTracker app in young hip preservation surgery – MR - 2013